Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Time

Tomorrow morning, I'm leaving on a jet plane. Thinking very happy, positive thoughts and knowing that no matter what happens, I've broken every boundary and pushed every limit that used to hold me back. Please send good vibes on Saturday at 10 pm EST. I'll be thinking of you too!

I'm going to DISNEY WORLD!!!!


  1. I have no words...just bursting with pride and happy thoughts. xoxoxox

  2. Sending you good vibes for the weekend! You're going to do it! So proud of you.

  3. I wish you the best of luck and tons of (mental) strength. Just remember that you are so much stronger than you think. I will for sure be thinking of you from over here!!! Rock it, girl!

  4. Have fun Amy!
    And stick to Galloway's plan ; )
